Journey Counseling

Christian Counseling for Women, Teen Girls, and Children

Remember Who You Are


This post could be considered a Part 2 of my previous one, How to Get out of Bed on the Hard Days. In that post, I shared a simple strategy that has helped me (and can help you) practice choosing life every day (if you haven’t read this post yet, you can read it here). 

Though this strategy is a good first step, it is not the end–only a means to an end. In other words, this is more than something “to do.” There is more here. As you take the step toward choosing to get up every morning, there is something even more profound that can reach deeper into your heart and cause permanent change if you let it.

That is remembering who you are in Christ. 

To me, this phrase always brings to mind this scene from the movie The Lion King.

But this is more than just a flippant movie reference. Remembering who I am in Christ means that I need to remind my heart every day of the truth of what He says about me. This is who I truly am. 

How do we do that? Get into His Word.

Who-I-Am-In-ChristThis little booklet is a great place to start. It lists over 70 Scriptures detailing personal applications of what God’s Word says about who we are in Christ. This resource was first introduced to me by my local church, and I have continued to use it and give these out to others. Why is it so powerful? Because it’s God’s Word. Sure, there are lots of places in the Bible that tell us who we are; this is by no means an exhaustive list. But it’s a great place to start learning to apply God’s Word to our lives.

As you read through it, mark ones that speak specifically to you. Allow God to reach into your heart. Look up the corresponding Scriptures, and soak in it over and over again.

Getting these truths in your heart will change your life, because this is who God says you are. Even when you don’t “feel” it, these things are still true. Ask God to open up your heart to truly believe this and begin to walk it out in His strength.

(Disclaimer: I do not gain anything–monetarily or otherwise–for sharing this resource. I simply want to share what has been helpful to me, in hopes that it will be for you as well.)

Author: Heather

Licensed Professional Counselor, Encourager, Reader, Writer, Baker, Friend.

3 thoughts on “Remember Who You Are

  1. Pingback: The Friendship Connection – Journey Counseling

  2. Pingback: How to Get Out of Bed on the Hard Days – Journey Counseling

  3. Pingback: What Real Change Actually Looks Like (Part 2) – Journey Counseling

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