Journey Counseling

Christian Counseling for Women, Teen Girls, and Children

Making a Thankful Tree

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pic-1Here’s a great idea for a practical and fun activity to do with your kids this month: make a “thankful tree!”

The idea is simple: put a bunch of branches in a vase or other container, and hang paper “leaves” on it that show what you are grateful for. Of course, your kids could draw pictures of trees, and fill in the leaves with their “thankful” things…or you and your older pre-teens and teens can make a written gratitude list.

And this doesn’t have to just be for the Thanksgiving season; in fact, being thankful should be something we do year-round. For me, this kind of project helps my heart remember and focus on the joy and blessings that God has surrounded me with.

Start by picking up some branches from the local park, or from your own yard, or from a friend whose yard actually has trees. 🙂

For the leaves, have your kids color some paper, or use construction paper. I happen to have tons of scrapbook paper, so I just free-handed some wide almond-shaped leaves with the scissors, and hole-punched the corner. Then I cut strips of yarn for the ties.

The things you write down don’t have to have a formula. They don’t all have to be “super spiritual” things. God’s blessings come in the “little” things, too. Especially if you have kids, let them be thankful for their puppy or play-doh or dirt, if that’s what they choose to be grateful for that day.

I have listed many of my dear, close family and friends on my leaves, but I have also thanked God for rice bags and my home and kind smiles…

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18:

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

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Author: Heather

Licensed Professional Counselor, Encourager, Reader, Writer, Baker, Friend.

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